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February 24, 2015 • A bi-weekly email news service

In yesterday’s Developments, we summarized a commentary essay that appeared in the Philadelphia Business Journal that contains the line “For every worker in Center City Philadelphia, there are 0.7 jobs; for every worker in the suburbs, there are 1.7 jobs.” We should have double-checked those numbers before we passed the story along. There are 280,000 wage and salary jobs in Greater Center City. The American Community Survey estimates the residential labor force in Greater Center City to be 70,000. That’s a jobs-to-worker ratio of 4-to-1, not 0.7-to-1. Public transit and regional highways create the opportunity for neighborhood and regional residents to commute into Center City and they hold the balance of those jobs. Citywide, there are approximately 800,000 jobs and a labor force of 720,000 - that’s a ratio of 1.1 jobs per worker. In the suburban counties, there are approximately 2.6 million jobs and a labor force of 2.4 million, which also works out to about 1.1 jobs per worker. The bottom line remains: Philadelphia needs to grow more jobs.


The Central Philadelphia Development Corporation (CPDC) is a strategic planning, research and advocacy organization whose mission is to strengthen the vitality and competitiveness of Center City Philadelphia as the region's central location for business and innovation and to reinforce Center City as a vibrant 24-hour hub for art and culture, a premier place to live and a dynamic destination for shopping and dining.

Central Philadelphia Development Corporation

T 215.440.5500 � F 215.922.7672


For corrections, suggestions, comments, etc., contact Linda Harris, at 215.440.5546 or lharris@centercityphila.org.

For changes of address or contact name, contact cpdc@centercityphila.org.

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