Roundtable Discussion with
Superintendent Dr. William Hite and CFO Uri Monson
Thursday, April 12, 2018 | 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM
Cambria Hotel, Gillespie Room | 219 Broad Street, Broad and Locust
In light of Mayor Kenney’s proposal for a real estate tax increase to fund the public schools, School Superintendent, Dr. William Hite and his chief financial officer, Uri Monson have agreed to come to a round table discussions on Thursday, April 12th 8am - 9:15 am that Jim Pearlstein will host at the new Cambria Hotel at 219 S Broad Street, Broad & Locust in the Gillespie Room right off of the main Lobby (2nd floor).
Hite and Monson will focus on how the District is currently funded, what this proposed infusion of funding will mean, and the strategic plan that the School District is following.
Download: Action Plan Update 2018 Progress + Priorities [PDF]

Or phone Romina Gutierrez at 215.440.5543.