Special Guest Speaker
Karina Ricks | Director
Department of Mobility & Infrastructure,
City of Pittsburgh
Friday, June 8, 2018 |
8:30 AM - 9:45 AM
Thomas Jefferson University,
Room 207 Jefferson Alumni Hall |
1020 Locust Street
As Philadelphia’s transportation needs evolve, the City is preparing to address congestion and roll out new bike lanes and SEPTA is rethinking its bus routes. Like cities everywhere, Philadelphia also needs to plan for the impact of ride-sharing, delivery trucks or maybe soon, autonomous vehicles. Given the challenges, it is valuable to learn how other cities are approaching these issues.
Karina Ricks has served as the director of Pittsburgh’s Department of Mobility & Infrastructure since March 2017. She was a principal with Nelson Nygaard, serving as the Multimodal Sector Leader in their Washington, DC office, managing major mobility projects for Boston, Chicago and, Portland, Oregon. From 2005 to 2011, she served as the Associate Director of the Department of Transportation for the District of Columbia overseeing plans for streetcars, bike share and complete streets

Or phone Romina Gutierrez at 215.440.5543.