As a benefit of your CPDC membership, please forward
invitation to all young professionals in your office.
Save the date for CPDC's next Young Professionals event!
Network with other young professionals and hear from
Jerry Sweeney,
President & Chief Executive Officer of Brandywine Realty Trust on why his
company has invested strongly in Philadelphia and why tax reform is
essential for job growth in the City.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
5:30 – 7:00pm
Blank Rome Marvin Comisky Conference Center
One Logan Square – 130 N. 18th Street – first floor
Enjoy complimentary appetizers along with a wine & beer open bar.
Please RSVP to by 12:00pm, Thursday, October 31, 2013.
Space is limited, so please RSVP. To attend you must be an employee of a CPDC member firm.
(View list of firms here:
This event is sponsored by CPDC member Brandywine Realty Trust:

CPDC is a strategic planning, research and advocacy organization whose mission is to strengthen the vitality and competitiveness
of Center City Philadelphia as the region's central location for business and innovation and to reinforce Center City as a vibrant
24-hour hub for art and culture, a premier place to live and work, and a dynamic destination for shopping and dining. |