Thanks very much for attending one or more of our recent events for young professional members of CPDC firms. We were excited by the energy and enthusiasm and your interest in becoming more involved with our efforts to enhance the competitiveness and attractiveness of downtown and the surrounding residential communities.
In order to help determine which programs would be of most interest to you in 2013, we would appreciate if you would complete this short survey:
Please complete the survey by November 2nd.
Please feel free to forward this email to other young professionals in your firm.
Thank you for your time!

Paul R. Levy
Executive Director
Central Philadelphia Development Corporation
CPDC is a strategic planning, research and advocacy organization whose mission is to strengthen the vitality and competitiveness
of Center City Philadelphia as the region's central location for business and innovation and to reinforce Center City as a vibrant
24-hour hub for art and culture, a premier place to live and work, and a dynamic destination for shopping and dining. |