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May 18 , 2015 • Volume 18 • Issue 10 • A bi-weekly email news service

In today�s Developments, the article "Accounting Firm Opens Center City Office" should have read CBRE represented Wipfli in negotiating the seven-year lease with Brandywine Realty Trust.

To read the Philadelphia Business Journal article, please go to bit.ly/1FoEEUx.


The Central Philadelphia Development Corporation (CPDC) is a strategic planning, research and advocacy organization whose mission is to strengthen the vitality and competitiveness of Center City Philadelphia as the region's central location for business and innovation and to reinforce Center City as a vibrant 24-hour hub for art and culture, a premier place to live and a dynamic destination for shopping and dining.

Central Philadelphia Development Corporation

T 215.440.5500 � F 215.922.7672


For corrections, suggestions, comments, etc., contact Linda Harris, at 215.440.5546 or lharris@centercityphila.org.

For changes of address or contact name, contact cpdc@centercityphila.org.

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