Center City District Customer Satisfaction Survey
For 26 years, the Center City District has been making downtown Philadelphia clean, safe and attractive with lighting, signs and landscaping. Ten years ago we began renovating and programming Center City parks, including Dilworth Park and Sister Cities Park. We produce Restaurant Week and publish key market research on significant issues that impact Center City. How are we doing? What can we do better or differently?
Please take five minutes to complete our brief on-line survey at CCDSurvey.com. You'll be automatically entered to win $250 in restaurant gift certificates. Five lucky winners will be randomly selected.
The survey closes at midnight on October 31, so please give us your opinion and suggestions today! |
New: Logan Square Café Beer and Wine Garden
Part of the Parkway 100 celebration, Cai Guo-Qiang: Fireflies whisks passengers up and down the Benjamin Franklin Parkway in fanciful, lighted pedicabs. One of the stops on the route? Sister Cities Park, at 18th and the Parkway! On Thursdays-Sundays during the art installation, Logan Square Café will have a special beer and wine garden, so you can sit back, relax and enjoy the show. Open 5:30-10:30pm, September 21-24 and September 28-October 1.
Logan Square Café at Sister Cities Park, 200 North 18th Street, 215.665.8600, LoganSquareCafe.com
Dinosaur Eggs! Real Ones!
Tiny Titans: Dinosaur Eggs and Babies opens September 30 at The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University!
Take a rare and exciting look at dinosaurs through their eggs, nests and embryos. On display will be authentic dinosaur eggs and nests collected from around the world, including examples from each of the major plant- and meat-eating dinosaur groups. Visitors can touch dinosaur fossils, play paleontologist and dig for dinosaur eggs, examine real dinosaur embryo skin and eggshells under magnification, get up close to a Protoceratops family, and much more.
The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, 215.299.1000, ANSP.org
The Drexel Medicine Fall Health Fair
On September 27, 11:30am-2:30pm, come to the Shops at Liberty Place for free health screenings* and talk with Drexel Medicine and Hahnemann Hospital doctors and staff. Learn more about cancer awareness, heart health, healthy eating, skin care, diabetes, eye care, gynecology, physical therapy, sleep medicine, postpartum depression, stroke, mammograms, women’s and men’s health and much more.
*The free health screenings available:
Blood pressure,
vision, and skin cancer (face and arms only).
Shops at Liberty Place, 1625 Chestnut Street, 215.851.9055, ShopsAtLiberty.com
Wine Garden at Collins Park
Unwind with friends and begin the weekend early every Friday with the Wine Garden at Collins Park. Enjoy Chaddsford Winery wine and hard cider by the glass, or by the bottle in one of Center City's most picturesque parks. Proceeds help support the Center City District Foundation, which owns and maintains the park for public enjoyment.
John F. Collins Park, 1707 Chestnut Street, JohnFCollinsPark.org |
Take Transit
Philadelphia's great transit system and pedestrian-friendly streets make car-free travel, shopping and dining easy in Center City! Get information on routes, fares, schedules and more, at SEPTA.org or RidePATCO.org. |