We are writing to suggest several next steps, given the strong level interest at the May 6th Center City Energy Forum. We believe there are significant economic benefits to building owners if we can create an Energy Conservation & Development Zone in downtown Philadelphia (we are still offering $5 for a better name) that leverages new smart grid technology and building retrofit financing resources now available.
As a first step, Viridity can discuss specifics about your properties. The key factor that will determine if you can plug into Viridity’s technology and start saving money immediately is whether your properties have building control systems already in place. If not, Viridity can recommend a strategy for installing or upgrading a BMS system that leverages market revenue potential and available financing resources so that your upfront costs are reduced and your payback is accelerated. In addition, Viridity can provide input for how to leverage system upgrades or renewable investments so that your building becomes more than just a user of energy, but also a smart user, manager and producer of energy, or a virtual generator. Since Viridity is attempting to prioritize contact by levels of interest we request an email response from those that are interested in proceeding with the steps outlined above.
As a second step, we will create a steering committee of key stakeholders who can help guide this effort. We will also establish quarterly meetings open to all Center City property owners to solicit input on the goals and implementation strategy and share information. In parallel we will approach key funding and technical partners who can help support the launch and ongoing success of this effort moving forward.
Finally, we wanted to invite each of you to attend an upcoming free conference that we are co-sponsoring with the University of Pennsylvania, America’s Sustainable Future: How U.S. Cities are Making Energy Work, on June 14th and 15th in Philadelphia. The purpose of the conference is to share information and discuss implementation strategies with representatives of similar projects in cities across the country. You can register at americassustainablefuture.eventbrite.com.
Again thanks so much for your time and interest. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions. You can reach Laurie Actman at Viridity Energy at 484-534-3797 or lactman@viridityenergy.com.

Paul R. Levy,
Center City District |

Audrey Zibelman, Viridity Energy |