Be part of a city invigorated! With average household income over $116,000, 78% of residents with a BA or higher and more than 2 million square feet of new retail under development, it’s not surprising more than 60 national retailers have opened a store in Center City Philadelphia since 2013.
Call today for an appointment with City of Philadelphia representatives at the International Council of Shopping Centers’ New York Deal Making, December 6-7. You’ll be able to learn about financial incentives, search for available retail space and see all that Philadelphia has to offer.
Visit us at The Jacob K. Javits Convention Center of New York, Booth #2066 or contact us to set up an appointment (Casandra Dominguez, cdominguez@centercityphila.org or 215.440.5533).

 Center City Reports: Philadelphia Retail
On December 6th at ICSC’s New York Deal Making, the Center City District and Central Philadelphia Development Corporation will be releasing a research report documenting the demand drivers pushing retail growth in Center City Philadelphia. Stop by Booth #2066 and pick up a copy, or sign up to receive our publications.
Fast Fact
